Saturday, December 19, 2009

I am Atefeh ; A Campaign

As the news of heavy sentences handed down to political activists in Iran is filling up the pages of sites and weblogs, one news - one sentence - handed down on Tuesday November 24th , was announced and at first lost amid all others.

The news of a 4 year sentence handed down upon a girl who is neither well known nor has filled a political function! The judge ruling over her case , in response to her protest that others are freed after posting bail , but not she, told her that “she should not compare herself with these others”! And yet, when there came time for sentencing, Atefeh’s sentenced could only be compared with others who have held many posts and have been far move active!

Atefeh Nabavi, is the first woman who has been sentenced to jail for taking part in the post election protests in Iran; and that for taking part in the June 15th demonstrations, where many others participated and therefore share in Atefeh’s “crime”. Today, we sit in our homes, while Atefeh is expected to pay the price for the 3 million or more who were consciously present on the streets of Tehran that day.

Thus, a number of civil society activists have started the “I am Atefeh” campaign, so that the attention of the public as well as international organizations can be brought to the unjust sentence imposed on Atefeh Nabavi. This campaign asks all who participated in the post election protests in Iran, but especially on June 15th, to write a few lines for Atefeh and the Judiciary, noting that they share Atefeh’s burden and that if she is to be imprisoned, then they too must share this fate! Atefeh is in jail and her name has been lost amidst all the news of further sentences and arrests. This 27 year old girl is to be jailed for 4 years, only for being present on the street on one day; for only one day’s protest!

With this campaign, we wish to say that we think like Atefeh. That we each are one Atefeh, and that if she is to be jailed so must we all! We also invite those outside of Iran to join us by writing texts in their chosen language and styles , stating that they would have participated in these peaceful protests if they had been in Iran at the time , and to send these to the campaign or other sites or media outlets for publication!

* The name “Atefeh” means sympathy or affection in Persian!

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